Monday, February 11, 2013


Because Chromophobia is so close to BETA release, we are going to post a poem that our lead designer wrote for fun instead of something interesting:

I sat upon the restaurant, whilst mulling over fish
and bared the strain of all the crabs, not only from my dish.

The one of them was crotchety, the other, lightly steamed
And soon I thought both hated me, or such is what I deemed.

The first of them insulted me, the second made me sick
so only half an hour in, I had to scream and kick.

So much had been so little, my wallet would concur
'Cause with 14 and fifty cents, came stomach aches and curs.

And so I never went again, to them my service lost
for at the "Happy Crab Shack Inn," my livelihood was tossed.

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